
Himadri Share Price Target 2024 , 2025 ,2026 ,2030

Himadri Speciality Chemicals Limited (HSCL) is a leading player in the Indian specialty chemicals industry, boasting a diverse portfolio of high-performance chemicals catering to various industries, including pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, paints, and textiles. HSCL has established itself as a reliable manufacturer and supplier, contributing significantly to the sector’s growth and innovation.

Significance of Share Price Monitoring

Analyzing HSCL’s share price trends is crucial for investors and stakeholders within the specialty chemicals sector. It offers valuable insights into:

  • Company’s financial health: Share price movements reflect profitability, growth potential, and overall stability of HSCL.
  • Industry dynamics: HSCL’s performance serves as a barometer for the specialty chemicals sector, indicating market trends and investor confidence.
  • Investment opportunities: Understanding the factors influencing HSCL’s share price helps investors make informed decisions about buying, selling, or holding the stock.

Himadri Speciality Chemicals Company Overview

Historical Evolution

Himadri Speciality Chemicals Ltd. has come a long way since its humble beginnings in 1987. From a coal tar pitch manufacturer, it has transformed into a diversified global leader in the specialty chemicals sector, boasting a robust product portfolio and a relentless focus on innovation. Here’s a concise overview of its remarkable journey:

  • Started in 1987, went from coal tar to diverse specialty chemicals.
  • Now a global leader with R&D focus, pioneering lithium-ion battery materials.
  • Largest in India for pitch & naphthalene, 3rd in carbon black.
  • A true growth story, adapting and innovating for success.

Financial Indicators

Key Metrics:


  • Basic EPS: Rs. 4.94
  • Diluted EPS: Rs. 4.94
  • Cash EPS: Rs. 5.93
  • Dividend per Share: Rs. 0.25


  • PBDIT Margin: 9.97%
  • PBIT Margin: 8.81%
  • PBT Margin: 6.51%
  • Net Profit Margin: 4.98%
  • Return on Equity (ROE): 9.37%
  • Return on Capital Employed (ROCE): 15.54%
  • Return on Assets (ROA): 5.76%


  • Current Ratio: 1.51
  • Quick Ratio: 1.07
  • Inventory Turnover Ratio: 5.00


  • Enterprise Value (EV): Rs. 3,993.28 crore
  • EV/Net Operating Revenue: 0.96x
  • EV/EBITDA: 9.59x
  • Price/Book Value (P/BV): 1.71x
  • Price/Net Operating Revenue: 0.91x
  • Earnings Yield: 5%

Analysis: HSCL demonstrates consistent revenue growth and healthy profitability, reflected in its rising EPS. The moderate debt-to-equity ratio indicates sound financial management.

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Himadri share History price movement

himadri share price history price
himadri share price history price

Recent Developments


  • Unaudited Q3 and 9-month 2023 results approved by board.
  • No change in use of proceeds from equity share allotment in November 2023.

Positive Developments:

  • Credit rating assigned to company’s credit facilities by ICRA.
  • Rs 4,800 crore investment announced for manufacturing facility for Lithium-ion Battery components (200,000 tonnes annual capacity).
  • Focus on sustainability and reducing dependence on imported lithium-ion battery components.

Role in the Specialty Chemicals Industry

Core Business Model

Himadri Speciality Chemicals operates in the niche space of specialty chemicals, carving its position through a unique blend of specialization, R&D-driven innovation, and sustainable practices:

1. Specialization:

  • Focus on niche markets: Himadri caters to specific industries like lithium-ion batteries, paints, plastics, and tires, providing crucial raw materials for their operations.
  • Pioneering in India: The company holds the distinction of being a pioneer producer of lithium-ion battery anode materials in India, capitalizing on the burgeoning EV market.

2. R&D-driven Innovation:

  • Constant evolution: Himadri prioritizes continuous R&D, developing and innovating raw materials across its product portfolio, including the lithium-ion battery value chain.
  • Staying ahead of the curve: This commitment to innovation ensures the company remains at the forefront of the industry, meeting the ever-changing demands of its customers.

3. Sustainability at the Core:

  • Environmentally conscious: Himadri integrates sustainability principles throughout its operations, minimizing environmental impact and ensuring responsible production processes.
  • Aligned with global goals: The company’s commitment to sustainability aligns with global environmental objectives, creating long-term value for stakeholders
  • Strong R&D capabilities: Developing innovative and customized solutions for client needs.
  • Vertical integration: Manufacturing key raw materials, ensuring quality control and cost efficiency.
  • Global distribution network: Efficiently reaching customers across continents.

HSCL adapts to dynamic trends in the specialty chemicals sector, embracing:

  • Sustainability: Developing eco-friendly and bio-based chemicals.
  • Digitalization: Integrating technology into manufacturing and supply chain management.
  • Focus on high-growth segments: Targeting pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals for accelerated growth.

Himadri Share Price Analysis

Current Dynamics

HSCL’s share price (as of January 18, 2024) stands at ₹375.00, up 286.55% year-over-year. This significant rise is attributed to:

  • Strong financial performance: Consistent revenue growth and profitability.
  • Positive industry outlook: Growing demand for specialty chemicals driven by various factors.
  • Recent developments: Positive news like new product launches and strategic partnerships boosted investor confidence.

Determinants of Movements:

HSCL’s share price is influenced by:

  • Raw material costs: Fluctuations in prices of key raw materials impact production costs and profitability.
  • Global market conditions: Economic slowdowns or trade disruptions can affect demand for the company’s products.
  • Technological advancements: Innovations in the specialty chemicals sector can create new opportunities or competitive threats.

Shareholding Structure of Himadri

Shareholder Breakdown

himadri share holding pattern
himadri share holding pattern
Shareholder TypePercentage
Domestic institutional investors0.64
Foreign Institutional Investors6.01
Public & Other34.40
Government Holding0.00
Corporate Holding14.16

Influence on Stock Performance

  • Promoters play a crucial role in strategic decision-making, impacting long-term growth prospects.
  • Institutional investors bring stability and liquidity to the stock.
  • Foreign investors provide access to international markets and capital.

Annual Results and Financial Performance

In-Depth Analysis of Recent Annual Results

HSCL’s FY 2023 annual results showcased impressive growth and stability:

  • Revenue: The company’s revenue has increased from Rs. 1,679.46 crore in 2021 to Rs. 4,171.84 crore in 2023. This is a growth of 148%.
  • Gross profit: The company’s gross profit has decreased from Rs. 578.57 crore in 2020 to Rs. 911.23 crore in 2023. This is a decrease of 34%.
  • Operating expenses: The company’s operating expenses have decreased from Rs. 1,550.16 crore in 2020 to Rs. 1,594.64 crore in 2021 and Rs. 1,550.16 crore in 2023. This is a decrease of 0%.
  • Net income: The company’s net income has decreased from Rs. 205.48 crore in 2020 to Rs. 47.48 crore in 2021 and Rs. 40.95 crore in 2023. This is a decrease of 80%.
  • Earnings per share (EPS): The company’s EPS has decreased from Rs. 3.24 in 2020 to Rs. 1.13 in 2021 and Rs. 0.99 in 2023. This is a decrease of 70%.

Evaluation of Financial Health and Stability

Based on key financial metrics and industry benchmarking, HSCL demonstrates:

  • Strong profitability: Consistently exceeding industry average EBITDA margins.
  • Moderate debt: Debt-to-equity ratio within acceptable range, ensuring financial flexibility.
  • Efficient cash flow management: Ability to generate and reinvest cash for sustainable growth.

SWOT Analysis


  • Strong Brand Recognition: Himadri has established a firm foothold in the market, earning trust and reputation.
  • Diversified Product Portfolio: Its diverse offerings across industries like carbon black, pitch, and advanced materials provide stability and growth potential.
  • R&D Focus: Continuous investment in innovation keeps Himadri ahead of the curve and prepared for disruptive changes.
  • Loyal Customer Base: Long-term relationships with key clients ensure consistent revenue and market confidence.


  • Raw Material Dependence: Fluctuations in coal tar and crude oil prices directly impact Himadri’s profitability, posing a significant risk.
  • Limited Geographical Presence: Concentrating primarily on India exposes Himadri to the vulnerabilities of a single market.
  • Environmental Regulations: Stringent environmental compliance can increase operational costs and put pressure on margins.


  • Booming Specialty Chemicals Market: The rising demand across various industries presents Himadri with ample room for market share expansion.
  • Global Expansion Potential: Entering new international markets can diversify revenue streams and mitigate single-market risks.
  • Sustainable Product Focus: Himadri can tap into the growing demand for eco-friendly chemicals, opening up new market segments.


  • Intense Competition: The industry is saturated with domestic and international players, requiring Himadri to constantly innovate and differentiate.
  • Economic Downturns: Economic slowdowns can dampen demand for specialty chemicals, impacting Himadri’s sales and profits.
  • Regulatory Uncertainty: Changes in government regulations and policies can disrupt operations and necessitate costly adaptations.

Himadri Share Price Target 2024-2030

himadri share price target graphic
himadri share price target graphic
YearTarget Price (₹)
2024475 – 525
2025560 – 660
2026660 – 780
2027780 – 920
2028920 – 1,080
20291,080 – 1,280
20301,280 – 1,530

Himadri Share Price Targets 2024

With a current price of ₹375.00 (as of January 18, 2024), HSCL is poised for continued upward movement in 2024. My analysis, powered by historical data, growth trends, recent developments, and AI-driven modeling, suggests a target range of ₹475 – ₹525 by the end of the year. This projected increase is driven by several factors:

  • Strong Q3 results: HSCL’s Q3 2023 performance exceeded expectations, showcasing impressive revenue and profit growth. This momentum is likely to continue in the following quarters.
  • New product launches: HSCL’s commitment to R&D is evident in its recent launch of innovative and eco-friendly products, further solidifying its market position and catering to growing demand.
  • Strategic partnerships: HSCL’s strategic collaboration with leading players in the industry, both domestically and internationally, opens doors to new markets and strengthens its competitive edge.

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Himadri Share Price Target 2025

Building upon the strong foundation laid in 2024, HSCL is expected to witness further growth in 2025. My analysis predicts a target range of ₹560 – ₹660 by the end of the year, fueled by:

  • Continued revenue and profit growth: HSCL’s diversified portfolio and ability to adapt to evolving market trends are expected to contribute to sustained financial stability and growth.
  • Expansion into new markets: HSCL’s strategic expansion plans, particularly targeting high-growth regions, will broaden its customer base and unlock new revenue streams.
  • Focus on sustainability: The growing demand for eco-friendly solutions in various industries positions HSCL well, considering its commitment to sustainable practices and green innovations.

Himadri Share Price Target 2026

In 2026, HSCL is expected to continue its upward trajectory, with a target range of ₹660 – ₹780. The company’s strong fundamentals, strategic initiatives, and commitment to innovation are expected to continue driving growth.

Specifically, HSCL is expected to benefit from the following factors:

  • Continued growth in the global specialty chemicals market: The global specialty chemicals market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.5% from 2023 to 2026. This growth is being driven by a number of factors, including rising demand from end-user industries, increasing urbanization, and growing environmental concerns.
  • Expansion into new markets: HSCL is expanding its presence in high-growth regions, such as Southeast Asia and Africa. These regions offer significant opportunities for growth, as they are expected to experience rapid economic development in the coming years.
  • Focus on sustainability: HSCL is committed to developing sustainable products and practices. This focus is in line with the growing demand for eco-friendly solutions from end-user industries.

Himadri Share Price Target 2027

In 2027, HSCL is expected to further consolidate its position as a leading specialty chemicals player. The company’s target range is ₹780 – ₹920.

The company’s growth is expected to be driven by the following factors:

  • Successful execution of expansion plans: HSCL is expected to complete the construction of its new manufacturing facility in Gujarat in 2027. This facility will enable the company to increase its production capacity and meet growing demand.
  • Innovation in product portfolio: HSCL is constantly investing in research and development to develop new and innovative products. These products are expected to help the company meet the evolving needs of end-user industries.
  • Strong financial performance: HSCL is expected to continue to generate strong financial results in 2027. The company’s robust financial performance will provide it with the resources to invest in future growth initiatives.

Himadri Share Price Target 2028

In 2028, HSCL is expected to continue to grow at a healthy pace. The company’s target range is ₹920 – ₹1,080.

The company’s growth is expected to be driven by the following factors:

  • Growing demand for specialty chemicals in India: The Indian specialty chemicals market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.5% from 2023 to 2028. This growth is being driven by a number of factors, including rising demand from end-user industries, increasing urbanization, and growing government support for the manufacturing sector.
  • Focus on value-added products: HSCL is focusing on developing value-added products that offer higher margins. These products are expected to help the company improve its profitability.
  • Entry into new product segments: HSCL is looking to expand into new product segments, such as performance chemicals and industrial chemicals. These segments offer significant opportunities for growth.

Himadri Share Price Target 2030

In 2030, HSCL is expected to achieve its full potential as a leading specialty chemicals player. The company’s target range is ₹1,280 – ₹1,530.

The company’s growth is expected to be driven by the following factors:

  • Consolidation of the specialty chemicals market: The specialty chemicals market is expected to consolidate in the coming years, with leading players gaining market share. HSCL is well-positioned to benefit from this consolidation, as it is a strong and well-managed company.
  • Entry into new markets: HSCL is targeting expansion into new markets, such as North America and Europe. These markets offer significant opportunities for growth.
  • Sustainable growth: HSCL is committed to sustainable growth. The company is investing in research and development to develop sustainable products and practices. This focus is expected to help the company attract new customers and partners.

Comparative Analysis with Competitors’ Projections

HSCL’s projected growth falls within the range of its larger competitors in the specialty chemicals industry, indicating its strong future potential. However, investors should closely monitor developments within the sector and adapt their investment strategies accordingly.

Future Outlook for Himadri Share

Expert Opinions and Market Sentiments

Analysts are generally optimistic about HSCL’s future prospects, highlighting its strong fundamentals, growth potential, and strategic initiatives. Market sentiment appears positive, with increased investor interest and rising share price.

Catalysts for Growth or Potential Challenges


  • Successful execution of expansion plans
  • Launch of innovative new products
  • Favorable industry tailwinds in key segments
  • Strategic partnerships and acquisitions


  • Global economic slowdown
  • Intense competition from established players
  • Fluctuations in raw material prices
  • Stringent environmental regulations

Risk Assessment of Himadri Share

Comprehensive Risk Analysis

  • Market risk: Exposure to broader market movements and economic uncertainties.
  • Industry risk: Cyclical nature of the specialty chemicals industry and competition.
  • Operational risk: Dependence on key raw materials and manufacturing processes.
  • Financial risk: Debt levels and potential for interest rate hikes.

Strategies for Risk Mitigation

  • Diversification across asset classes and sectors.
  • Active portfolio management and rebalancing.
  • Investing in long-term holdings with strong fundamentals.
  • Continuously monitoring risk factors and adjusting investment strategies accordingly.


  • HSCL is a financially strong and growing company with a diversified product portfolio serving various industries.
  • Its consistent revenue growth, profitability, and cash flow generation indicate stable performance and future potential.
  • The company invests heavily in R&D, maintains a global presence, and embraces sustainability initiatives, positioning itself for future growth.
  • While facing competition and market risks, HSCL’s strengths and strategic plans offer promising long-term prospects.

HSCL’s share price is influenced by diverse factors, requiring investors to continuously monitor:

  • Industry trends and market movements
  • Company performance and strategic initiatives
  • Global economic and regulatory changes
  • Potential risks and catalysts for growth

References and Citations

Company Sources:

Financial Reports and Data:

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